indexSaved Searches and AlertsYou can access your saved searches and alerts from the Web of Science homepage by clicking Searches and Alerts. Saved searches are ordered in descending order, so the newest searches appear first on the list. As of Summer 2019, RSS feeds are discontinued. Search Alert Options
Running Saved SearchesIf you want to rerun one of your saved searches:
indexOpen Search History from Your WorkstationTo open a search history that was saved to the hard disk of your computer or to a local network:
indexSaved Searches TableThe saved searches table lists the search histories you have saved to our server. The saved searches are in alphabetical order by product and then by history name. indexSaved Search ColumnDisplays the name of the search history that you assigned when you saved your search as a history file. A description of the search history appears under the search history name. You provided the description when you originally saved the search history on the Save Search History page. The Query field displays the search query. For example: TOPIC: (amazon river fish*) Note: We add the text P00[N] to each search history name that was saved in ISI Proceedings and carried over to the next Web of Science platform release. indexDatabase ColumnThe name of the product in which the saved search was created. When you click Open, the search runs in the product for which it was created. indexAlert StatusUnder Alert Status, toggle between Inactive and Active to turn alerts on and off, and if necessary, change how often you want to receive alerts by making a selection from the Frequency drop-down box. indexRemove AlertAt any time, you can delete a saved search from your list by clicking Remove Alert. You will see a confirmation message, and then you can click Remove. Remember, you can only remove one search at a time, and you can't recall a saved search after you remove it. |
indexReminder - Register and Sign InTo view your saved searches, you must be a registered user and you must sign in. indexAbout SAME and Saved SearchesWhen you open a search history file created from a previous version of the product, your search may yield more results if you had used the SAME operator in your query. In the current version, the SAME operator works exactly like AND in most fields (such as the Topic and Title fields). For example, the search query: TS=Bird Migration SAME TS=South America* Is automatically translated in the current version of the product into: TS=Bird Migration AND TS=South America* and produces a larger set of search results than the original query. When opening a saved search history file from a previous version of the product, consider revising your query if you had used the SAME operator in the query. Note: The exception to the rule discussed, here, is the Address field where SAME operator rules still apply. indexAlertingAlerting is not currently available for searches saved from an All Databases search. indexSaved Searches from Earlier VersionsYou can open a search history file created from an earlier product version in the current version. However, you cannot open a search history file created from the current product version in an earlier product version. |