

Searching Numerical Data Fields

The Numerical Data Indexing field contains structured numeric data in whatever units are appropriate to the quantities described.

To search the Numerical Data field, preface each value with a numerical data field tag and a symbol indicating the relationship between the value in your query and the value or range of values in the retrieved records.


Numerical Data Field Tags

AG = Age (yr; Year)

MA = Mass (kg; Kilogram)

AL = Altitude (m; Meter)

MD = Magnetic Flux Density (T; Tesla)

AP = Apparent Power (VA; Volt-amp)

MS = Memory Size (Byte)

BI = Bit Rate (Bit/s; Bits per Second)

NF = Noise Figure (dB; Decibel)

BW = Bandwidth (Hz; Hertz)

PO = Power (W; Watt)

BY = Byte Rate (Byte/s; Bytes per Second)

PR = Pressure (Pa; Pascal)

CAP = Capacitance (F; Farad)

PRS = Printer Speed (cps; Characters per Second)

CON = Conductance (S; Siemens)

PX = Picture Size (pixel; Picture Element)

CE = Computer Execution Rate (IPS; Instructions per Second)

RA = Radiation Absorbed Dose (Gy; Gray)

CM = Computer Speed (FLOPS; Floating-Point Operations Per Second)

RD = Radiation Dose Equivalent (Sv; Sievert)

CUR = Current (A; Ampere)

RE = Resistance (Ohm)

DI = Distance (m; Meter)

RP = Reactive Power (VAr; Volt-Amp Reactive)

DP = Depth (m; Meter)

RX = Radiation Exposure (C/kg; Coulomb per Kilogram)

EF = Efficiency (Percent)

RY = Radioactivity (Bq; Becquerel)

EL = Electrical Conductivity (S/m; Siemens per Meter)

SI = Size (m; Meter)

EN = Energy (J; Joule)

SM = Stellar Mass (Msol; Solar Mass)

ER = Electrical Resistivity (ohmm; Ohm meter)

SR = Storage Capacity (Bit)

EV = Electron Volt Energy (eV; Electron Volt)

TE = Temperature (K; Kelvin)

FR = Frequency (Hz; Hertz)

TM = Time (s; Second)

GA = Gain (dB; Decibel)

VE = Velocity (m/s; Meters per Second)

GD = Galactic Distance (pc; Parsec)

VO = Voltage (V; Volt)

GEO = Geocentric Distance (m; Meter)

WA = Wavelength (m; Meter)

HD = Heliocentric Distance (AU; Astronomical Unit)

WL = Word Length (Bit)

LS = Loss (dB; Decibel)


Equality and Relational Operators




equal to

= LT

less than

= GT

greater than


less than or equal to


greater than or equal to


in the range defined by the values to the left and the right of the symbol



TE = 1.0E+02 searches for a temperature value equal to 1.0E+02. This search will also retrieve a range of values if 1.0E+02 falls within the range.

TE = GT 1.0E+02 searches for a temperature value greater than 1.0E+02. This search will also retrieve records with a range of values if any value in the range is greater than 1.0E+02.

TE = 1.0E+02:2.0E+03 searches for a temperature value in the range of 1.0E+02 and 2.0E+03 inclusive. This search will also retrieve a range of values, as long as any one of the values in the range falls within the range of values in the search query. This is equivalent to a range search on the Search page.

TE = GTE 1.0E+02 AND TE = LTE 2.0E+03 searches for a temperature value greater than or equal to 1.0E+02 and a value less than or equal to 2.0E+03 in the same record.