indexSearching the Numerical Data FieldThe Numerical Data indexing field contains structured numeric data in whatever units are appropriate to the quantities described. To search this field:
To specify a range of values, enter a value in both boxes. indexNumerical Data List
indexNumerical Data Examples
This search will retrieve records with a value equal to or greater than 5.0E+01 ohm. It will also retrieve records with a range of values if any value in the range is 5.0E+01 or greater.
This search will retrieve records with a value equal to or less than .00002 (or 2.0E-05) seconds. It will also retrieve records with a range of values if any value in the range is .00002 or less.
This search will retrieve records with a temperature value between 1.0E+02 kelvin and 2.0E+03 kelvin. It will also retrieve records with a range of values between 1.0E+02 and 2.0E+03 inclusive. Inclusive means that if any value between the minimum and maximum values of the query match any value between the minimum and maximum values in a record, the record will be retrieved. To take another example, the query range 100 to 300 would retrieve records containing these ranges:
This search will retrieve records with the exact value 4.0E+01 S/m. It will also retrieve records with a range of values if 4.0E+01 falls within the range |
indexDid You Know ...You can enter values as:
Do not use wildcards (* $ ?) when entering values. |