indexSort OptionsSort options are available from the Results page and from other pages such as the Citing Articles page and the Marked List page. The most-commonly used options are links at the top of the page. A dropdown menu just below the links, labeled More, provides additional options. After selecting dropdown menu, you can either scroll to and select a sort option, or you can enter the name of the sort option to filter the list. indexPublication Date -- newest to oldestSorts records in descending order based on the date given on the cover of the journal with the newest records listed first. The secondary sort is based on the processing date, which refers to the date on which the records were entered in the product, and not necessarily when the journal was actually published. The tertiary sort is based on the source title. Publication Date -- oldest to newestSorts records in ascending order based on the date given on the cover of the journal with the oldest records listed first. The secondary sort is based on the processing date, which refers to the date on which the records were entered in the product database, and not necessarily when the journal was actually published. The tertiary sort is based on the source title. indexRecently AddedSorts records based on the date when the records were entered in the product (newest to oldest) and not necessarily when the journal was published. The secondary sort option is based on the cover date (newest to oldest publication year) of the journal in which the journals are sorted in chronological order with the newest records listed first. The tertiary sort is based on the source title. indexTimes Cited -- highest to lowestSorts records in descending order based on the Times Cited number. Times Cited -- lowest to highestSorts records in ascending order based on the lowest number of times the work was cited in other works. indexUsage Count -- Last 180 daysSorts records in descending order based on the usage count for the past 180 days. The secondary sort is based on the publication date (newest to oldest). The tertiary sort is based on the processing date (newest to oldest), which is the date the records were entered in the database Usage Count -- Since 2013Sorts records in descending order based on the usage count accrued since February 1, 2013. The secondary sort is based on the publication date (newest to oldest). The tertiary sort is based on the processing date (newest to oldest), which is the date the records were entered in the database. indexRelevanceSorts records in descending order based on a ranking system that considers how many of the search terms are found in each record. Records with the highest ranking appear at the top of the list. Relevance ordering for source records takes into account the following fields.
The Title and Keywords fields are weighted slightly more than the Abstract and Keywords Plus fields. indexFirst Author -- A to ZSorts records in ascending alphabetical order based on the last name of the first listed author. The secondary sort option is based on the cover date (newest to oldest publication year) of the journal in which the journals are sorted in chronological order with the newest records listed first. The tertiary sort is based on the source title. First Author -- Z to ASorts records in descending alphabetical order based on the last name of the first listed author. The secondary sort option is based on the cover date (oldest to newest publication year) of the journal in which the journals are sorted in reverse chronological order with the newest records listed first. The tertiary sort is based on the source title. indexFirst Author -- by Chinese NameSorts records by the name of the first author in a list of Chinese author names. indexFirst Author -- by Korean NameSorts records by the first name in a list of Korean author names. indexSource Title -- A to ZSorts records in ascending alphabetical order based on the name of the source publication. If you select English as the search language, the system uses English data values to sort the records. These records would appear at the top of the Results page. Records that do not contain English data move to the bottom of the Results page and the system sorts these records based on Publication Year, Author, Page, and Volume. If you select Chinese or Auto Select, the system uses Chinese data values to sort the records. These records would appear at the top of the Results page. Records that do not contain Chinese data move to the bottom of the Results page and the system sorts these records based on Publication Year, Author, Page, and Volume. Source Title -- Z to ASorts records in descending alphabetical order based on the name of the source publication. If you select English as the search language, the system uses English data values to sort the records. These records appear at the top of the Results page. Records that do not contain English data move to the bottom of the Results page and and the system sorts these records based on Publication Year, Author, Page, and Volume. If you select either Chinese or Auto Select, the system uses Chinese data values to sort the records. These records would appear at the top of the Results page. Records that do not contain Chinese data move to the bottom of the Results page and the system sorts these records based on Publication Year, Author, Page, and Volume. indexConference Title -- A to ZSorts records in ascending alphabetical order based on the title of the conference. Conference Title -- Z to ASorts records in descending alphabetical order based on the title of the conference. |
indexSearch TipWhen selecting a sort option, keep in mind the timespan that you selected from the Search page. For example, if you restrict the timespan to dates From 2012 To 2014, the product sorts all items (both new and old articles) that were processed and added to the product during the time period. indexAbout Sort OptionsThe sort option selected on a Search page is shared among all search pages. For example, if you change the sort option on the Search page, the product automatically changes the sort option on the Advanced Search page. When you run a search, the product uses the selected sort option as the default setting. Note that you can always change the sort option from any Results page. If you do change the sort option for a particular search query listed on the Search History page, the product retains the selected sort setting the next time you access those results. For example, if you change the sort option from a Results page to First Author - A to Z, the next time you access the results, the product sorts the records by First Author - A to Z. Other search queries on the Search History page, however, are not sorted by First Author - A to Z. Those queries, when viewed from the Results page, continue to use the default sort option. |