indexSearching the Subject Descriptors FieldSubject Descriptors comprise the following fields and tables.
indexBroad TermsBroad Terms are controlled terms that denote broad or general concepts. Broad Terms are found in the Zoological Record Thesaurus. Most Broad Terms are found at the top levels of each hierarchy; however, other controlled terms from the thesaurus may be used as Broad Terms if they describe the major point or concept in the source document. Examples
indexDescriptorsDescriptors include controlled terms from in the Zoological Record Thesaurus and non-controlled terms such as the names of specific organisms and modifiers. Examples
indexSystematicsSystematics include:
To find organism names and Super Taxa, click the thesaurus link. Then expand the Systematic hierarchy. To find Systematics terms, expand the Subject hierarchy. Then scroll down to the Systematics hierarchy. Examples
indexTaxa NotesTerms classified under Taxa Notes are broad animal group names that refer to the Taxa discussed in a source document. Most are common/vernacular names rather than Latin/scientific names. To find Taxa Notes, click the thesaurus link. Taxa Notes is at the bottom of the list. Examples
indexUsing the Search AidSelect the search aid to search for subject descriptors in the Zoological Record Thesaurus. You can select terms from the thesaurus and automatically transfer them to the Search page. Because most descriptors are arranged in hierarchies, you will often find additional relevant terms for your search by browsing the thesaurus. |