ISI ProceedingsSM
What's New?
ISI Proceedings has a new face and powerful new search features built
into its newly designed interface. Based on months of intensive usability testing
and studies, we have developed a new approach to research. Both novice and professional
researchers have told us what they wanted - a simplified user interface and a
streamlined search process that's easy to navigate, with easy-to-read fonts and
a clear, intuitive presentation of search results. You will soon see these new
features in all ISI Web of KnowledgeSM products.
What's New in the Current
Release? (January 2008)
Thomson Scientific WebPlus is an open Web search engine created by Thomson
Scientific that harnesses the power of Thomson editorial expertise, controlled
vocabularies, and proprietary relevancy algorithms. It is designed to complement
the search results in ISI Web of Knowledge, bringing the most relevant
Web resources to the forefront for the professional researcher.
WebPlus allows you to search the Web by Topic, Person/Author, Source, Institution,
Organism, Drug, and Gene.
You can search WebPlus from the Search page or the Additional Resources tab.
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What's New in ISI Proceedings?
(October 2007)
ISI Proceedings Marked List
The Marked List function allows you to add up to 500 records to the ISI Proceedings
Marked Records page where you can later print, save, e-mail, order, or export them.
When you mark a record from the Results or Full Record page, that record is
added to your product's Marked List. The record will contain all data associated
with the record and is linked to the Full Record.
To add records from the Results page:
- Click the check box of each record that you want to add to your Marked List.
- Click the Add to Marked List button. A check mark icon indicates the
record has been added to the product's Marked List.
- Click the Marked List link to go to the View / Manage Marked Lists
- Click the product's View Marked Records button to go to the Marked Records page.
To add records from the Full Record page:
- Click the Add to Marked List button. A check mark icon indicates the
record has been added to the product's Marked List.
- Click the Marked List link to go to the View / Manage Marked Lists
- Click the product's View Marked Records button to go to the Marked Records page.
You can also add records to your Marked List from the All Databases Full Record
- Perform an All Databases search.
- Go to the Full Record page of a needed record.
- Click the Add to Marked List button to add that record to your product's
Marked List. A check mark icon indicates the record has been added to the product's
Marked List.
View / Manage Marked Lists
This page allows you to view and/or delete marked records that you added to
each product database within your subscription. A record count shows the total
number of marked records for each product database.
To access this page:
- Select View / Manage Marked Lists from the box at the top of any Marked
Records page.
- Click the Marked List (N) link in the submenu bar below the All Databases tab. The "N" specifies the total number of marked records in all product databases.
EndNote Web
EndNote® Web has a newly designed interface that provides
easy access to more EndNote Web functions. Other new features allow you
- Add your references to multiple groups;
- Access and modify your list of import filters, connections files, and bibliographic
styles at any selection point; and
- Adjust the number of references to view on a page to 10, 25, or 50.
To use EndNote Web, you must register for an EndNote Web account
and you must sign in. Once you set up an account, you can immediately begin to
manage your bibliographic references. Want to know more?
Save to EndNote, RefMan, or Other Reference Software
This option allows you to export selected records to a library or database
in EndNote, ProCite, Reference Manager, or a third-party reference
program such as RefWorks, Sente, Biblioscape, or similar reference software. You
can export multiple records from the Results page or the Marked Records page.
You can also export individual records from the Full Record page.
- Select the record(s) to include in the output.
- Select the field data to include in the record(s).
- Click Save to EndNote, RefMan, or Other Reference Software.
A dialog box will prompt you to select and open a library or database to receive
the selected records. As soon as you open the library or database, the records
are exported.
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What's New in ISI Proceedings?
(August 2007)
Faceted Navigation in ISI Web of Knowledge
ISI Web of Knowledge now employs faceted subject classification that
allows you to navigate all of its content. You can now switch easily between searching
and browsing, using your own terminology for searching, and the new faceted classification
scheme for browsing and refining results.
This design enables subject browsing across diverse content with the ability
to drill down to more specific concepts by facet or category. Following a search,
only populated categories are displayed with an indication of the number of items
within each facet. The subject navigation in ISI Web of Knowledge, as in
taxonomic navigation, guides you by showing you available categories, but it does
not require you to browse through a hierarchy, which may not accurately reflect
the search results.
Additional Resources Tab
At anytime during your research, explore the Additional Resources tab to use
any of the following free resources.
- BiologyBrowser
- ISIHighlyCited.comSM
- in-cites
- Index to Organism Names (ION)
- Science Watch®
- Special Topics®
- Thomson Scientific
- Thomson Scientific WebPlus
The following research tools are available with a subscription. Both tools
are also accessible from the Additional Information section of a Full Record for
relevant records.
- Journal Citation Reports®
- Essential Science IndicatorsSM
Save to EndNote Web
Designed for both novice and advanced researchers who need to manage their
bibliographic references, EndNote Web allows you to create an online storage
account for your references (or you can have the system automatically set it up).
To use this feature, you must be a registered user and you must sign in. From
the Results or Full Record page:
- Select the record(s) to include in the output.
- Select the data to include in the record(s) (for example, Full Record).
- Click Save to EndNote Web.
- Click Back to Results after the records are processed to return to
the Results or Full Record page.
To view the records in your EndNote Web library, click the My EndNote
Web link at the top of the page. To view a specific record in your library,
click the ENWeb icon.
Save to Reference Software
The Save to Other Reference Software option allows you to export selected records to third-party reference software such as RefWorks, Sente, or Biblioscape.
From the Results or Full Record page:
- Select the record(s) to include in the output.
- Select the data to include in the record(s) (for example, Full Record).
- Select Save to Other Reference Software, and then click Save.
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Importing Alerts into Thomson ResearchSoft
If you own one of the following Thomson ResearchSoft products, then we recommend
that you select the Field-Tagged format for your alerts to simplify the import
- ProCite®
- EndNote®
- Reference Manager®
When in a Thomson ResearchSoft product, when you import the text from a field-tagged
alert, select the ISI-CE import filter. Note that some e-mail programs will remove
line breaks. If your e-mail alert includes an option to retain or restore original
line breaks, then always use this option before you import.
For more information about Thomson ResearchSoft products, visit our Thomson
ResearchSoft Web site where you can find additional import filters for use
with other ISI Web of Knowledge alert formats such as Plain Text or ResearchSoft.
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System Requirements
Thomson Scientific supports the following operating systems and browsers for
ISI Proceedings and EndNote Web.
Windows® Operating System
Windows 2000 or Windows XP
Supported Web Browsers
- Internet Explorer 6.0
- Internet Explorer 7.0
- Mozilla Firefox 1.5
- Mozilla Firefox 2.0
Macintosh® Operating System
MacOS X 10.3 or 10.4
Supported Web Browsers
- Safari 1.3
- Safari 2.0
- Mozilla Firefox 1.5
- Mozilla Firefox 2.0
Note: Be aware that Thomson Scientific does not support any beta
versions of Web browsers.
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System-Related Issues
Using the Author Index
When using the Author Index, the product may return more records than what
is reported in the Records column. For example, suppose the Record column displays
six records for the name Simon. If you run this search, the product is likely
to retrieve more than six records because the product finds records for Simon,
Simon A, Simon AC, and so on.
When searching for a particular author, try to restrict your search by also
entering topic terms and/or publication names.
Note: This issue only occurs when you select names from the Author Index
that do not contain initials. For example, Simon AC will retrieve the actual number
of records that appear in the Records column.
Creating Citation Alerts
If you create a citation alert for a record in one database, but you have
already created a citation alert for the same record in another product database,
only one instance of the record will appear on your My Cited Articles list. If
you click the title link, you will go to the Full Record in the database where
you first created the alert.
Searching for Names and Addresses that are Booleans
To search on a name or an address that is a Boolean (AND, OR, NOT, and SAME),
enclose the name in quotation marks (for example, "Same Day Surg Unit").
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Browser-Related Issues
You may encounter browser-related issues if you are using Safari. Thomson Scientific
strives to correct any browser-related problems before it releases a product;
however, we may not have found and tested them all extensively. Please contact
our Thomson
Scientific Customer Technical Support staff if you encounter any browser-related
Mozilla Firefox Browser
If a page in ISI Proceedings looks garbled or corrupted, you may need
to empty the cache.
- Close your browser, and then restart your session.
- Select Tools.
- Select the Privacy tab.
- Select Clear Private Data under the Private Data box.
- Select the Cache check box, and then click Clear Private Data Now.
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ISI Web of Knowledge Administrative Tools
Administrators who have registered with Thomson Scientific and have signed
in to ISI Web of Knowledge can access Administrative Tools from the Additional
Resources tab. The tools include:
Administrative Tools
- ISI Web of Knowledge Usage Reports
- EndNote Web Customization
- Journal Use Reports Upload Utility
- Manage My Account Contacts
Analytical Tools
- Journal Citation Reports®
- Journal Use Reports™
- Essential Science IndicatorsSM
- ISI HighlyCited.comSM
Did You Know ... You can bookmark the Administrative Tools menu for
direct access. Sign in is still required.
Top of Page
Thomson Scientific Customer Technical Support
If you have questions about this product, contact
Thomson Scientific Customer Technical Support. Technical support representatives
can answer questions about the data, as well as questions about appropriate search
and retrieval techniques. Questions about network connections and/or the use of
your Web browser should be directed to your network administrator.
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This file was last updated on 1/22/2008
Thomson and its product names and acronyms used herein are trademarks,
registered trademarks, and service marks used under license. Thomson has no proprietary
interest in the marks or names of others. Microsoft® is a registered trademarks
of the Microsoft Corporation. Macintosh® is a registered trademark of Apple
Computer Corporation. These and other product names mentioned herein are registered
trademarks of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2008 The
Thomson Corporation