

Searching the Assignee Name List

This search aid allows you to select one or more assignees to add to your search query. The assignee names that you select are added to your search query. The product finds patent records by these assignees when you perform your search.

  • Select the Assigned - Name Only search aid to find assignee names to add to your search query.

  • Select the Assigned - Code Only search aid to find assignee codes to add to your search query.


Browse Option

Click a letter (A-Z) to browse through a list of items alphabetically. This feature is useful if you do not know the correct spelling of an item.


Find Option

  1. Enter a word or phrase in the text field. Wildcards (* ?) are permitted. At least two characters must precede the wildcard. For example: do*

  2. Click the Find button to go to a list of codes that contain the characters that you entered.

  3. Click the Add button to select an item from the list. The selected item is added to the text box at the bottom of the page.

  4. Click OK to transfer the selected item(s) to the Search page.


Did You Know ...

The Assignee Name List covers only corporate assignees. For example, you will not find Parkins in the search aid; however, you can enter this name in the Assignee field and the system will retrieve results.