indexPublication Name IndexThe publication name index contains 1) titles of English-language publications that have been transliterated from Arabic script to English script and 2) titles of English-language publications. The index contains the names of all publications in the database. Use this index to look up the names of publications to add to your search. We recommend users search terms in the language of the local interface language they select. For example, if you select the Arabic language, type search terms in Arabic. Your search results may not always be accurate when you combine two different language (e.g., English and Arabic). For advanced search, you can use field tags, Boolean characters, and wildcards. However, as you type in the advanced search field, the local language dictates how field tags, Boolean characters, wildcards display in the field. For example, in the Arabic local interface, if you type #1 OR #3 in the advanced search field, the text displays: OR #1 #3 and will return the correct results based on #1 OR #3. Note: Author and publication source name search aids are always in English regardless of the selected local interface language. indexBrowse OptionClick a letter (A-Z) to browse through a list of items alphabetically. This feature is useful if you do not know the correct spelling of an item. indexMove To Option
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indexSubscription InformationBe aware that we limit publications based on the depth of years in your institution's product subscription. For example, if your subscription depth is 10 years, then we only display those publications that have published articles within this time period. If you cannot find a particular publication, this may mean the journal stopped publishing more than 10 years ago. indexTimespanThe selected timespan appears in the right-hand corner of the page. The index contains all searchable items (and a record count) for this timespan. indexBooleansBoolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) are treated as regular alphabetic characters. Do not use them in your search. |