indexSearching the Organizations - Enhanced FieldSearch for preferred organization names and/or their name variants from the Preferred Organization Index. Enter complete names or partial names using wildcards (* $ ?). When searching for multiple preferred names or multiple name variants, separate the names using the OR Boolean operator. indexBooleans in Organization NamesWhen searching for organization names that contain a Boolean (AND, NOT, NEAR, and SAME), always enclose the word in quotation marks ( " " ). For example:
You can also enclose the entire query in quotation marks. For example:
indexSearch Field versus Search Aid ResultsTyping a name variant in the search field does not always return the same number of results as selecting a name variant from the search aid. For example, entering the variant Columbia Coll in the search field returns all records that contain Columbia Coll anywhere in the Addresses field. Entering Columbia Coll in the Find field in the search aid displays the preferred name Columbia University in the selection list. A search on this name returns records containing the preferred name and records containing the variant. indexOrganization-Enhanced ExamplesA search on a preferred organization name returns all records that contain the preferred name and all records that contain its name variants. For example, Cornell University returns all records that contain the preferred name (Cornell University) and all records that contain a variant, such as:
A search on a name variant returns all records that only contain the variant. For example, Cornell Law Sch returns all records that contain Cornell Law Sch in the Addresses field. |
indexOrganizations - Enhanced ListSelect the search aid to go to the Organization-Enhanced List where you can view and select preferred organization names and/or their variants. Selecting the preferred name from the search aid generally returns more precise and accurate results. Selecting a variant from the search aid executes a search that includes the preferred name and the name variant. indexSearching - Preferred NameSelecting a preferred name from the search aid, or entering a preferred name in the Organization-Enhanced field, returns all records with addresses linked to the preferred name. For example, the preferred name Columbia University returns all records that include Columbia Univ and any of the variants in the address of a record such as:
indexData in the Organization-Enhanced ListDue to timing differences between when records are loaded and when the search aid is refreshed, you may not see a particular name variant. Likewise, a variant may be listed in the search aid but retrieve no records because the address in the record has been corrected. |